Scoops and exclusives
Jess Suttner for TBIJ
Brazilian politician Alexandre Frota. Photo by Gustavo Minas for Quartz
Covid-19 pandemic
-Vaccine rollout
’Naively ambitious’: How COVAX failed on its promise to vaccinate the world
States are sitting on millions of surplus vaccines as expiration dates approach
Labeling confusion led to wasted doses of Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine
How a single Pfizer decision complicated the Covid vaccine rollout while boosting profits
Pfizer decision to turn off temperature sensors forced scramble to ensure Covid-19 vaccines kept ultra-cold
On the ground, the pledge to vaccinate 20 million against Covid-19 in December seems unrealistic
How the rich and privileged can skip the line for Covid-19 vaccines
The business interests behind vaccine trials work against people of color
Covid-19 vaccination rates follow the money in states with the biggest wealth gaps
Rural hospitals can’t afford ultra-cold freezers to store the leading Covid-19 vaccine
Under-counting of Covid-19 deaths is greatest in pro-Trump areas
A psilocybin patent highlights the swirling battle over psychedelic IP
Psychedelic treatment for depression is on sale for the first time
Scientists studying psychedelic mushrooms have to pay $7,000 per gram
Ketamine’s promise as an anti-depressant is undermined by its lack of profit
It’s a ‘psychedelic renaissance’ as scientists identify medicinal qualities of hardcore drugs
The world’s most scientific personality test gives out sexist results
Palestine’s head of mental health services says PTSD is a western concept
The race to create conscious robots puts the greatest question about humanity to the test
The replication crisis is killing psychologists’ theory of how the body influences the mind
Tech workers are using an ancient philosophy designed for Greek slaves as a life hack
A philosopher accused of sexual harassment started a business ethics consultancy
Bill Nye, the science guy, says I changed his mind about philosophy
A neo-fascist philosophy underpins both the alt-right and Silicon Valley technophiles
What happened when philosophers set up a public booth to answer questions
Should driverless cars kill their own passengers to save a pedestrian?
I couldn’t walk, but I could swim
Omnisexual, gynosexual, demisexual: What’s behind the surge in sexual identities?
Naming abusers online may be “mob justice” but it’s still justice
Zero tolerance sexual harassment policies are terrible for women
Period pain can be “almost as bad as a heart attack.” Why aren’t we researching how to treat it?
Guys who are rude to women they sleep with aren’t jerks. They’re sexist
British pollsters who didn’t see Brexit coming says the US should prepare for Trump to win the 2016 election
A porn star turned politician on why the biggest porn stars are all in congress
President Bolsonaro’s congressman son spends his days with a gun-toting Trump figurine
Freddie Knoller in the pyjamas he was forced to wear at Auschwitz.
The Daily Telegraph
Holocaust survivors’ 70 years of trauma: ‘I could cry nonstop, even now’ (pdf)
A Rotherham abuse survivor speaks out
Should we all go to technology addiction therapy?
Hollywood’s focus on the Chinese market is transforming the film industry
Series on sexual abuse at university
‘I was sexually assaulted by a fellow student, but my university did nothing’
One in three UK female students sexually assaulted or abused on campus
Ex student sues Oxford University over rape claim
MPs demand clearer policies to protect students
A few weeks after directly demanding business secretary Sajid Javid address the problem, the British government created a task force to address sexual violence on campus. As a result of this, decades-old legal guidance stating that universities could not investigate allegations of violence and should instead refer all reports to the police was finally repealed.